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AI占い Privacy Policy

1. Data Collection and Usage

  • 1.1 Personal Data for Fortune-Telling Services We may request users to input personal details like names and birthdates. This data is strictly utilized for generating fortune-telling results. All personal data remains confined to the user's device, ensuring its use is strictly for in-app fortune-telling purposes. No transfer of this data occurs over the internet.

  • 1.2 In-App Features

    • Google Android Standard Read-Aloud Feature The App employs Google Android's standard read-aloud feature, allowing text-to-audio conversion. This feature's use is rooted in the App's core functionality and doesn't involve any personal data.

    • Internet Connection While the App operates with an internet connection, the data relayed solely caters to enhancing App functionality. No personal data is ever transferred through this connection.

  • 1.3 Android Native Access The App leverages certain basic features without requiring permissions from Android Native. This ensures users experience comprehensive functionality without needing to provide explicit consent.

2. Advertisements We use Google AdMob for in-app advertising. Google AdMob may gather specific user data to personalize ad delivery. For a deeper understanding, kindly refer to Google's Advertising Policies.

3. Contact Us Should you have queries or require clarifications about this Privacy Policy, please reach us at:

4. Updates & Amendments We occasionally refresh this Privacy Policy. Any updates will be promptly reflected on the App or our official website. It is the user's responsibility to stay updated with any amendments.

5. Consent Your continued use of the App denotes your agreement to this Privacy Policy.

Last Revision: Sep 10, 2023.


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